St. John's Grade School is located at 7601 Vine Street, Lincoln, NE. It is affiliated with St. John the Apostle Parish and includes Pre-School through 8th Grade. The Pastor at St. John's is Rev. Lyle Johnson, the Associate Pastor is Fr. Matthew Schilmoeller, and the Principal is Mr. Tony Arens.
Summer Office Hours: Mondays from 8am-3pm
Mission Statement
St. John’s School is a Christ-centered learning community that prepares each student to be a successful life-long learner. We provide opportunities that promote the development of every student’s unique gifts and talents, empowering each child to become a responsible, respectful, and caring citizen who lives the faith. The school assists the parents in their role as the main educators of their children, offering a complete education, both secular and religious. It is governed by the policies and principles of the Catholic Diocese of Lincoln, accredited by the Nebraska Department of Education, and overseen by the parish pastor as superintendent, and by the school principal. St. John’s is a preschool through 8th -grade school.
To accomplish the Mission Statement, our goals and objectives include:
- To pass on the Catholic faith through the Mass, Sacraments, and by being Christ-like role models.
- To develop a positive family environment where students, parents, faculty, and staff feel accepted, respected, and valued.
- To develop communication and cooperation between administration, faculty, students, and parents.
- To establish an atmosphere with Christ-like expectations of conduct and high academic standards.
- To encourage the children to be aware of and develop the goodness and talents God has given them.
- To offer the best curriculum utilizing the benefits of past techniques while incorporating new ideas after careful consideration and research to form a program in which each teacher is comfortable (staying within curriculum guidelines).