Field Trips
The purpose of field trips is to extend the learning experience beyond the limits of the school building and are made for their educational value. Ordinarily, one field trip per grade, per year is allowed. All students are required to have a signed permission slip on file for each field trip taken. Teachers will distribute the appropriate permission forms to the students. We also consider Field Trips as an extra activity outside the normal classroom setting. Therefore, we require the Jr. High students to; maintain a C or higher, have no missing assignments in any class and have not had any detentions the week prior to the field trip.
It is important to a student’s success in school that the habit of regular and punctual attendance is practiced. Therefore, regular attendance is required to obtain maximum results in learning and IS the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Regular attendance is required by State Law. (Neb. Rev. State. 79-201) In compliance with the State Department of Education Rules and Regulations regarding the length of a school day and year, St. John’s School will be in session and will accumulate at least 1032 instructional hours. The time period provided for students to eat lunch shall not count towards the 1032 hours required.
Once a student arrives on the school grounds, the student may not leave the grounds until the end of the school day, unless permission has been granted by the principal.
Basic Rules of Conduct
- Students will show respect for people in authority and follow their directions immediately.
- Students will show respect for school property, fellow students and their property.
- No student may have in his/her possession on school property, or in the proximity of the school (at any time) any item that may potentially be dangerous to oneself or others.
- Students will use appropriate language.
- These rules pertain to the entire school day (in church, classroom, hallways, lunchroom, and playground).
- Consequences will be handled on a daily basis
Discipline Policy
- We at St. John the Apostle School are committed to providing a “Christ-centered” learning environment. We encourage our students to see Christ in each person. We believe all students in our school are to be respected, valued, and kept safe.
- Students are expected to use appropriate behavior at all times. Students are responsible for the choices they make regarding their behavior. When a student uses inappropriate behavior, teacher or staff involvement will be provided to help maintain safety and order in the school. The teacher or staff member will encourage the student to identify the problem and, to develop a plan to learn more appropriate behaviors for school. The goal of discipline is to help a student become more self-disciplined and make better choices regarding their behaviors.
- Students may be referred to the office when the safety or order of the school is compromised. This will include infractions of school rules and violence. We have found the responsible thinking process (RTP) to be the most effective way of reducing student disruptions while enhancing their ability to resolve their problems by teaching them how to self-manage responsibility. This program will also bring consistency among the teaching staff and the different grade levels.
School uniforms help to create the Catholic identity of St. John’s School. Uniforms also help the children understand that the focus of our school is Christian behavior and academic achievement. If you are unsure whether or not clothing is appropriate, please review the following policy then check with the administration and office. The administration reserves the right to make discretionary judgments regarding the appropriateness of the student dress.
All staff will be responsible for enforcing this policy.
General Appearance
- All clothing should be neat and clean, all students should be neatly groomed.
- Excessive make-up, tattoos (real or fake), or visible writing on the body or body piercing is not permitted.
Asbestos Notification
Federally mandated asbestos inspections for Saint John School, Lincoln, have been conducted in 1988, 1991, 1994 and 1997. Asbestos management plans have been written for the school and may be reviewed by interested parties at the school office during regular business hours. Asbestos has been found through testing or is assumed to be in the following material: pipe insulation and floor tile. This material is in good condition and poses no health concern for our students, faculty and staff. By following the school's asbestos management plan, we will continue to protect the health of our children and comply with federal and state asbestos regulations. The asbestos program manager for the Diocese of Lincoln is Father Thomas MacLean or you may contact the school office for additional information.
- All students, grades 1 through 8 are required to attend 8:15 Mass daily.
- Formal Religion classes are held every day in grades Kindergarten thru 8.
- Boys are trained for service at the altar beginning in the fourth grade.
- Support of the Missions is promoted and encouraged.
The sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist will be administered to students in the second grade and above. Ordinarily, students receive these sacraments for the first time in the spring of the second-grade year. The sacrament of Confirmation is administered once a year in the spring to the fifth-grade students and older. Devotions to our Blessed Mother such as May Crowning and other devotions including the Rosary, Prayer Services, and visits to the Blessed Sacrament occur during the appropriate season.
In case of a lockdown or lockout procedure – students may be released to parents via the front office. When possible, please contact the office in advance of your arrival. In the event of an emergency at or near the school, school leaders follow the direction of law enforcement and emergency response agencies in determining whether or not to evacuate the facility. In case of a school evacuation, parents may pick-up their children at Meadowlane School – 7200 Vine Street.
The number-one step that you can take to prepare for a school emergency is to provide accurate emergency contact information to your child’s school and notify the school if your information changes.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
Toys/Nuisance Items
Please keep personal toys or nuisance items at home. We are not responsible for damage or loss of personal items. Teachers and Administration reserve the right to remove the items (including watches, jewelry, and hair accessories) from the child.
Students must ALWAYS dismount and walk bicycles across school grounds before, after, and during the school day. Bicycle riders are asked to leave the school grounds immediately when school is dismissed. Helmets should be worn when riding to and from school.
St. John’s school adheres to the school closing policies of the Lincoln Public Schools. The decision to close schools due to inclement weather is normally made before 6:00 a.m., at which time the local radio and television stations are notified. School closing information may be heard on local television channels 8 and 10/11 and AM radio stations KFOR (1240), KLIN (1400), and KLMS (1480).
**Parents may come to school to pick up their child at any time during the day when the weather is threatening, or a watch has been issued. If a tornado warning has been issued, you may take cover with your child in the school, but children will not be released until the warning has been lifted. When possible, please contact the office in advance of your arrival.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher conferences are held first and second semesters. It is important that parents attend these conferences. Additional conferences may be scheduled if the parent and/or the teacher feel the need for the conference. Parents are encouraged to call/e-mail the teachers to arrange for additional conferences.
Progress Reports and Report Cards
- A report card will be given to each student in grades K-8 on a quarterly basis. These reports are designed to inform parents of the student's progress.
- Parents may access their student’s grades and assignments at any time on PowerSchool. The school office will provide you with your student’s access codes and further directions for gaining access.