Student Clubs

Builder's Club is a "student-led" community service organization for 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students. It is sponsored by the Lincoln Northeast Kiwanis Club and the Circle K Club at the University of Nebraska. Its goal is to develop leadership qualities in young people through experience in volunteer service.

The Board of Directors is comprised of the officers and a representative from each class. The officers and the class representatives are elected by the members of the club. The meetings are run by the officers, and work is carried out in committees. We usually do one service project a month outside of meetings.

The Board of Directors meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month and the general meeting is on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. All meetings are held in the Library

Mrs. Regan is the faculty advisor and Mr. Kruse is the Kiwanis advisor.

Builder's Pledge: I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Builder's Club; to better my school, my community, my nation, and myself; to aid those in need while enhancing leadership capabilities, and to encourage the fellowship of all mankind.

Builder's Club Website