
Basic Rules of Conduct

  • Students will show respect for people in authority and follow their directions immediately.
  • Students will show respect for school property, fellow students and their property.
  • No student may have in his/her possession on school property, or in the proximity of the school (at any time) any item that may potentially be dangerous to oneself or others.
  • Students will use appropriate language.
  • These rules pertain to the entire school day (in church, classroom, hallways, lunchroom, and playground).
  • Consequences will be handled on a daily basis

Conduct Rules/Grievance Procedure

If a student or parent feels that an issue is not clearly or fairly dealt with, they may request a conference with the teacher and/or the principal. Any action which causes a serious threat to the safety of a child, others, or is against our Catholic moral teaching is grounds for a special procedural process by the principal. The grievance process is as follows:

  1. Teacher
  2. Teacher, Principal
  3. Teacher, Principal, Pastor
  4. Teacher, Principal, Pastor, Superintendent of Catholic Schools

Before and After School Rules for all Students

Before school rules:

Outdoor supervision begins at 7:45 a.m. Extended Care is available prior to 7:45 drop-offs.

Students enter school at 7:55 a.m. and must be in their classroom by 8:00 a.m. or will be counted tardy.

Students who are driven to school will:

  • Use the crosswalk when crossing the street
  • Get in and out of their car in the appropriate drop off area **see map for designated drop off area and proper flow when coming to the school**

Students will:

  • Follow teachers’ directions - immediately
  • Arrive at school between 7:45 and 7:55, unless you are going to the Extended Care Program
  • Remain outdoors until the bell rings, unless dropping off band instruments or larger items
  • Wait with class and use appropriate behavior
  • Be allowed to wait indoors in case of heavy rain or temps 10° or below

After school rules:

  • 3:15 p.m. dismissal for grades K-8

Students will:

  • leave the school right away in an orderly fashion
  • leave the school through the exit doors only
  • use the crosswalk when crossing the street
  • Use appropriate behavior while waiting for pick up
  • Once outside you must remain outside unless you are brought in by a teacher **

Students who are picked up from school will:

  • get into their car in the appropriate pick-up area
  • wait for rides by standing in the designated waiting area
  • wait for rides to stop before getting close to the car
  • At 3:30 p.m. any student not picked up will be brought inside and taken to the Extended School Care Program. Parents will be responsible for the after-school care fee at the appropriate rate.

Classroom Rules

No student is allowed to disrupt in class or anywhere else in school, including the school bus and the school grounds. When they do, they are asked to think about what they are doing and compare their action to the rules or standards of wherever they are. If they persist in breaking the rules, they have lost their right to be where they are and are then assigned to the responsibility thinking area (RTA), where they stay until they indicate to the teacher that they are willing to follow the rules from wherever they came. They are then taught by the RTA teacher how to work out a plan which they will use to negotiate their return with the person who was in charge of wherever they were disrupting. Students are permitted to go to all other classes and other areas where they’ve been responsible, such as the library, cafeteria, and recess.

Playground and Playground Equipment Rules

In general, the conduct on the playground should be the same as in the classroom. Students are expected to participate with each other in a Christian manner.

Please dress students for the weather, including hat and gloves. Recess will be outside every day with the exception of heavy rain or when temperatures dip below 10°/ wind chill 0⁰.

Equipment Rules:

  1. Soccer Goals and Softball Backstops - These should be used for the purpose that they were intended. Climbing the goals and backstops is not allowed. The crossbars of the soccer goals should not be used for hanging.
  2. Monkey bars - Pulling oneself from one bar to the next is the correct activity. Sitting or standing up on top of the bars is not allowed.
  3. Swings - One child per swing. Flipping, twisting, standing, bailing out, and under-ducks (underdoggies) are not allowed. Children should not climb the bars supporting the swing set while others are swinging. Children must sit in the swing.
  4. Dome - Children should hang on with hands when climbing to the top and over. Hanging from the knees is okay but children should be spread out.
  5. All playground equipment - no pushing or pulling.
  6. Children must play in sight of supervising teachers.
  7. Children must stay out of the bushes.
  8. Tag games and other games should be played away from the equipment.
  9. Respect the neighbors and their property, including fenced animals.

Anti-Bullying Mission

St. John the Apostle School has formulated this policy with the following purposes:

  1. Promoting strong Christian development in all of our students and encouraging them to treat each other as images of God
  2. Building positive student relationships in order to provide an environment that is physically safe and emotionally secure for all students
  3. Raising awareness in the school and homes that bullying is unacceptable behavior at St. John the Apostle School
  4. Establishing procedures that are consistent throughout the school for handling bullying behaviors that happen at school

We recognize that bullying and intimidation have a negative effect on the social, emotional, spiritual and academic development of our students. Every student has the right to an education and to be safe in and around their school. It is the policy of St. John the Apostle School that any form of bullying behavior, whether in the classroom, on school property or at school-sponsored events, is unacceptable. Students who are determined to have engaged in such behavior are subject to disciplinary action. Depending on the intensity, frequency, and duration of any offenses, a violation of this policy will result in serious consequences, including, but not limited to, formal dismissal from St. John the Apostle.

Anti-Bullying Guidelines   Anti-Bullying Incident Report

Weapons, Controlled Substances, and Searches

No student may have in his/her possession on school property or in the proximity of the school, at any time, any kind of weapon, explosive, or other potentially dangerous items. No student may have in his/her possession on school property at any time illegal controlled substances such as: illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, etc. Teachers and administrators have the right to search desks, lockers, and personal belongings at any time for a sufficient reason. This should ordinarily be conducted with another adult witness. Any items found which are inconsistent with the Catholic goals of the school may be removed.